Overview of 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines is now available
20 Nov 2012
This week the Water Directorate has released a copy of our latest publication,
Overview of the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. This document aims to assist our members with identifying the key changes in the NHMRC’s
2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. This new document has been prepared by Adrian Farrant, Public and Environmental Health Consultant, on behalf of the Water Directorate. The Guidelines are current as at November 2012.
The Queensland Water Directorate (qldwater) has co-invested in the preparation of this document and is licensed to distribute the document to its members as appropriate. All purchases of the document by members or non-members of both Directorates should be made through the Water Directorate in NSW.
The objectives of the Overview of the 2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines are to:
- Provide a concise summary of the 2011 ADWG that can be easily understood by water supply authorities and allow them to quickly ascertain their level of compliance with the guidelines.
- Assist water supply authorities with due diligence assessments.
- Provide a comparison with the Overview of the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.
If you would like to purchase a hard copy of the Overview of the
2011 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines including a CD Rom download an
order form here.