About Us


To provide independent technical advice to local water utilities and collaborate with government and non-government for better outcomes.


To ensure local water utilities deliver safe, secure and affordable water and sewerage services to regional NSW.


The Water Directorate has 100% membership coverage of the 90 local water utilities in New South Wales. Membership of the Water Directorate is open to all councils and county councils providing water supply and/or sewerage services to local government areas in NSW. Click here to see a full list of members.


Comprised of 20 representatives, 18 elected from the membership and 2 nominated from Local Government NSW, the Executive Committee meets on a regular basis to discuss the activities and direction of the Water Directorate.

Representatives are elected every two years with nominations provided by General Managers of member councils. If more than 2 nominations are received from a particular region, an election is held with only General Managers eligible to vote. Click here for a list of the Executive Committee members.


We have a 5-year strategic plan that sets out our broad objectives on behalf of the regional water sector, our key roles and our strategies and actions to achieve our objectives.   

Our Strategic Plan 2025-2030 is available for download here.

Constitution of the Water Directorate

The Water Directorate is incorporated under the NSW Associations Incorporation Act 2009 . A copy of our Constitution can be downloaded here.


Information on the membership and activities of the Water Directorate can be obtained by contacting the Executive Officer, Brendan Guiney brendan.guiney@waterdirectorate.asn.au

Water Directorate Annual Review Checking water
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