New Chair of the Executive Committee Elected

20 Mar 2014

Last week Stewart McLeod announced his resignation from his longstanding position as Chair of the Water Directorate Executive Committee. Stewart had been the Chair for almost eight years and Deputy Chair for the previous seven years. Stewart was a member of the first Executive Committee in 1999 and he has been a tireless supporter of local government and local water utilities throughout his career.

In his resignation speech Stewart said, "I would like to thank the Executive Committee for the great support and enthusiasm you have all shown me over the years. Some of you are 'lifers' like me, and some relatively new to the Committee, but all of you have made fantastic contributions to our industry by your involvement." In addition he thanked the Water Directorate staff, Gary Mitchell and Eloise Stanley, for their hard work and loyalty over the past 15 years.

Following Stewart's resignation, Gary Mitchell, Executive Officer of the Water Directorate, said "Stewart’s steady leadership has steered the Water Directorate through the onslaught of multiple government reviews over the past decade. He has consolidated the Water Directorate’s proactive position as the peak local government water industry body. He is also a great role model and mentor for younger engineers." Gary's comments were echoed unanimously by the other members of the Executive Committee. 

The newly elected Chair, Jeffery Sharp, is the Director of Infrastructure & Asset Management at Port Macquarie-Hastings Council and is another long term member of the Executive Committee. Jeff has 22 years of experience in the NSW local government water industry having held various roles at PMHC since 1992. After accepting the role of Chair, Jeff said "He looks forward to guiding the Executive Committee through various changes and reforms influencing NSW LWU’s and that he wants to expand the influence of the Water Directorate within the industry. Keeping our manuals and guidelines current and relevant will also be a focus of the Executive Committee during my Chairmanship.”  A civil engineer, Jeff also holds postgraduate Masters qualifications in both Water and Waste Treatment and Business Administration.

Thanks again to Stewart McLeod from the Executive Committee for his extensive contributions to the Water Directorate as Chair for the past eight years and congratulations to Jeffery Sharp on his new position as Chair. We look fortunate to continue working with both these industry leaders on the Executive Committee.

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