2012 Excellence Award Winners Announced
10 May 2012
The winner and highly commended awards for the 2012 Innovation in Water Supply and Wastewater category were announced at the IPWEA's Excellence Awards Dinner on Tuesday evening at the Pacific Bay Resort in Coffs Harbour.
We are pleased to announce that
Eurobodalla Shire Council was winner of this award for the construction
of the $24 million Eurobodalla Northern Water Treatment Plant. Warren
Sharpe from Eurobodalla Shire accepted this award on behalf of his
Council and his partners in the project.
Water Infrastructure Group was the
successful contractor for construction of the WTP and their early
involvement in the project enabled a close partnership to be built with
Eurobodalla Shire Council and the project manager, NSW Public Works.
Water Infrastructure Group owns and operates major treatment plants and
water recycling schemes and brought an operations and overall lifecycle
focus to the partnership. The shift of focus from capital and
construction costs to long-term operability delivered major benefits to
the Eurobodalla community.
Water Infrastructure Group’s
‘Virtual Control Room’ concept is ideally suited to regional facilities,
providing substantial safety and productivity benefits for operators,
as well as operational cost savings and flexibility. The operations team
can monitor and control the facilities with Smartphones from literally
anywhere in the world. This allows them to focus on managing the overall
system instead of being continually on call at the plants or spending
time travelling to and from facilities.
The highly commended award was won
by Cooma-Monaro Shire Council for their recently completed Water and
Wastewater Strategic Planning Review. This report is a comprehensive
review of the services and planning required for Cooma’s community over
the next 30 years. Work undertaken for the towns of Cooma, Michelago,
Nimmitabel and Bredbo includes developing a water security Safe Yield
Analysis, Demand Management Plan, Drought Management Plan, Integrated
Water Cycle Management Evaluation Study, Water Quality Management Plan,
Business Continuity Plan, Strategic Business Plan, Development Servicing
Plans and Enterprise Risk Assessment.
The Water Directorate strongly
encourages all our members to nominate for the 2013 Excellence Awards in
November. The Excellence Awards are a great way to showcase your staff
and projects. Finally, congratulations to the organisers from IPWEA and
everyone involved in the hosting of this successful event.