CCTV Data Management
Last Post 27/11/2024 10:56:21 AM by Hilltops Council. 0 reply.
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CCTV Data Management
27-11-2024 10:56 AM
by Hilltops Council
Joined 01-01-0001 12:00 AM
Posts 5
Hi all, Does anyone here have a management system or procedures for storage of and access to CCTV videos of sewer & stormwater mains? It'd be especially useful if it correlates to asset registers. With this large volume of
data requiring storage in organised folders we may need controls to avoid too many duplications while ensuring backup of the original is maintained. Also, it would help if we can compare the CCTV videos of the same section to check how quickly defects
appear. Kind Regards, Abhi Suwal Hilltops Council